Visual & Performing Arts
Our Students Love Participating in the Performing Arts Programs at Arndt!
Welcome, Chorus Students!
My name is Mrs. Timmons and I look forward to having you this year in my class! Chorus is a wonderful opportunity to express yourself, connect with others, and use our gifts to heal the world! In Chorus you will need your chromebook, earbuds, and a good attitude daily! All singers are welcome, whether you have musical experience or not! Fear not! You do NOT have to sing by yourself as we operate as a team. In my class you will be learning: note values, musical notation, vocal maintenance, proper choral singing techniques, sight reading, musical history, and roles of musicians in the career field. We as a Chorus participate in: NC Honors Chorus, NC Music Performance Adjudication, Wingate Honors Choir, community events, and more! I look forward to seeing you soon!
About Mrs. Timmons
Upcoming Events
Concert Band and Percussion
Welcome, Band and Percussion Students!
Beginning Band is offered at HMA for 7th grade only. The focus is on the basic fundamentals of reading music and playing an instrument, both alone and with others. We perform two concerts each year and no experience is required to enroll in 7th grade band at Arndt.
In 8th Grade Band, the focus continues with quality instrumental performance. We build on this with an emphasis on scales, technique, and musicianship. Much of the instruction takes place though rehearsal and performance of quality concert band music. Students must take 7th grade band in order to enroll in 8th Grade Band. In addition, two years of middle school band are required to enroll in high school band.
Percussion Ensemble is a beginner percussion class. Focus is on the basic fundamentals of reading music and playing traditional and non traditional percussion instruments.
About Mr. Townsend
Mr. Townsend is in his 17th year of teaching band and instrumental music in NC. He has been the Band Director at Arndt for the last five years and also teaches the Percussion Ensemble class. Mr. Townsend holds music education degrees from Appalachian State University and Lenoir-Rhyne College (now LR University). He also enjoys writing music and is a published composer.
Upcoming Events
Welcome, Art Students!
This course will include projects and daily activities that will boost students critical thinking skills and artistic ability. Class participation is important in the art classroom. As a class we will learn about many different art mediums, styles and processes, as well as art history and current happening in the art world.
Upcoming Events
We invite you to check out our school's fine and performing arts offerings below. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the program contacts.