Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Attendance Information

Attendance Written

Covid-19 Attendance Policy for ALL STUDENTS

Under the Governor’s Plan B option of blended instructional days, all schools must capture the daily attendance of students, whether they are engaged with learning on-site or off-site. This will be a change from what students may have experienced last spring during the emergency remote learning days.

Blended instructional days means that students will be participating in on-site, face-to face instruction at their respective schools as well as participating in off-site remote instruction. For example: a student may be at his or her school for face-to-face instruction on Monday and Tuesday and receive off-site remote instruction on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Fully remote instructional days means that the student is only participating in off-site remote instruction. Attendance in a remote instruction environment is designed to keep students engaged, ensure they are on pace, and to offer academic and emotional support.

Teachers will be taking period attendance for all students each day, regardless if the student is on-site or off-site.  In order to be counted present, a student participating in an off-site learning day must do ONE of the following EACH DAY:

  • Complete his or her daily assignment, either online or offline;
  • Engage in a face-to-face interaction with his or her teacher(s) e.g., virtual meeting
  • Check in with his or her teacher(s) via a two-way communication e.g., email, phone call, etc…

Note:  If a student does not have Internet access, the student or parent must either place a call to the school/teacher or submit work evidence of daily participation in order to be counted present on off-site days.

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Anissa Eckard

Data Manager

Questions about our attendance policy?  Contact our data manager or your child's teacher.

p: 828.256.9545
